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AEW Collision 8/31/2024

AEW Collision comes on the air with Tony Schiavone welcoming us alongside Nigel McGuinness as the music for Orange Cassidy hits and it’s time for the opening Trios match of the evening. Schiavone welcomes McGuinness back to the ring at All In and mentions Christian Cage costing him in the Casino Gauntlet, something McGuinness says they’ll get to later.

Hologram, Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly defeated ROH Pure Champion Lee Moriarty, Johnny TV & The Beast Mortos (w/Shane Taylor, Anthony Ogogo & Taya Valkyrie)


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Down

(Action packed opener, as Hologram is now 6-0 since debuting in AEW. The crowd were loudly behind him and teaming with The Conglomeration only benefitted him in this one. I also can’t put over Mortos enough, he’s such a great big man. I know he just got an ROH Title match, but would love to see him get more of a push in AEW. He’s been on quite a few shows lately, just wish he’d get in the win column more.)

Cassidy & O’Reilly poked Hologram during his entrance to make sure he was real. O’Reilly & TV trade kicks and mat work in the early going before Cassidy tagged in with some nonchalant double teaming before Hologram joined and we get locomotion splashes in the corner. Hologram & Moriarty tagged in with fast back and forth action, as Moriarty dodged a head scissors, but Hologram got a cazadora into a roll-up for two. Mortos sprinted in with a spinning crucifix and laid out O’Reilly & Cassidy in the process. Lightning quick déjà vu from Hologram, who wanted a dive, but was cut off by Moriarty. Everyone stacked up with each other applying sleeper holds, until Mortos got a running charge and Pounced the pile. Mortos tried a spinning dive outside, but took out both his teammates in the process. Cassidy leapt off the apron with a punch, as Hologram, with the crowd chanting loudly for him, hit a somersault dive on the pile heading to picture in picture.

Back from break, Cassidy found himself isolated, trying desperately to get to his corner, until he shrugged off a Moriarty sunset flip and just strolled over and made a hot tag to O’Reilly. Mortos absorbed O’Reilly’s offense and starched him with a discus lariat. A weird little sequence of who was the legal man with Mortos & TV, as it allowed O’Reilly to dive to a Hologram hot tag. Hologram incredibly hit a somersault springboard double arm-drag on Moriarty & TV into a hurricanrana pin on Mortos for two. Hologram tried another springboard, but Moriarty & TV launched him high in the air right into a massive Mortos spear for two. Cassidy made the tag and, along with O’Reilly, lit up Mortos with kicks, but he absorbed it all. Stundog Millionaire connected as the match broke down with high impact moves, leading to a spinning DDT and Orange Punch from Cassidy, shotgun dropkick from Moriarty, almost a moonsault Samoan Drop from TV, who opted to pose, allowing Hologram to hit a reverse Spanish Fly into his roll-up pin for the victory.

Footage of Jon Moxley returning on Dynamite, as well as the backstage beating security suffered at the hands of his new associate, “The Problem” Marina Shafir, is shown.

Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson, Austin & Colten Gunn) defeated The Premier Athletes (Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari & Josh Woods w/Mark Sterling)


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Up

(Pretty quick win for the Bang Bang Gang to get them back in the win column following their loss at All In. The crowd were really behind Robinson & The Gunns in this one.)

After arguing with the official in the opening moments, Woods was able to get a cheap shot in on Austin and keep him isolated. Austin was able to fight his way out and make the hot tag to Robinson, who was a house of fire with jabs aplenty, firing off Left Hands of God before a full nelson slam took out Nese. Colten made the tag, as Robinson wiped out Daivari with a dive. Corner splashes and dropkicks to Nese & Woods, as Sterling ran distraction, but Nese collided with him. Woods ran into 3:10 to Yuma by The Gunns, as Colten got the pin.

-Footage of Mercedes Mone defending her NJPW Strong Women’s Title last night at Capital Collision against Momo Watanabe is shown. Mone challenged anyone from STARDOM to come face her for the title and said Mone changes everything. We’re told that the winner of tonight’s main event will receive a TBS Title shot against Mone at All Out. A quick Hikaru Shida video package is then shown about being the ace of the AEW women’s division.

Footage of the 10-man tag at All In Zero Hour was shown with The Von Erichs, Sammy Guevara & Dustin Rhodes all applying the Iron Claw to Gates of Agony & The Undisputed Kingdom.

FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) defeated The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven)


Thumbs Up

(Solid tag match, as FTR also get back in the win column following All In. Post match is the bigger story, with GYV making another statement beatdown in a match I wouldn’t be surprised is announced for All Out. If you want Gibson & Drake as contenders in the tag division, I think they need to get a win over a team like FTR to make that happen.)

Taven reminded Harwood who he was to start, but after taking him down, Taven reminded the camera man and walked into multiple chops. Wheeler tagged in and FTR slammed Taven down by the hair until Wheeler was backed to the wrong corner. Bennett & Taven with quick tags, but Wheeler battled back with a charging uppercut, as Taven & Bennett were launched to the floor. The Kingdom recovered, dodging a Harwood corner charge, as he posted himself, as Bennett & Taven stayed in control during the entire break.

When things returned, Harwood has a visual roll-up on Taven, but Bennett took the ref, who missed it. Harwood hit a DDT for the double down and dove for a Wheeler hot tag, who ran wild. Corner float over led to a leaping lariat, as Wheeler got the crowd hyped with FTR chants, but Taven ran distraction, allowing a Bennett discus forearm. The Kingdom tried a double team on Harwood, but Wheeler leapt off the top for a double crossbody. Stereo rolling Germans until Wheeler tried a jackknife pin for a near fall. FTR wanted a Power-Plex, but Taven superkicked Wheeler to the floor. Harwood tried a Sharpshooter on Taven, who raked the eyes, as Bennett hit a Death Valley Driver and Taven with a charging knee for two. Taven was crotched in the corner, as Bennett ate a Shatter Machine. Power-Plex to Taven connected, as Harwood got the cover and victory.

Post match, James Drake & Zack Gibson attacked from behind and hit a high/low on Harwood. They took the microphone and made something clear, AEW is where the best wrestle, which is why they’re here. This is the second time in one week they’ve laid out FTR, the living legends. They are bitter and have a chip on their shoulders after being compared to FTR by the idiot fans. The only name the fans will remember when they’re done are the Grizzled Young Veterans.

-Video package for Thunder Rosa is shown ahead of tonight’s main event. She said the wild claims by other women saying they’re the ace of the women’s division makes her chuckle and tonight, she’ll remind everyone why she’s the ace.

Backstage Lance Archer is shown laying out a bunch of folks with any weapon near him before smacking a fella with a shovel and chokeslamming him on a crate. Archer grabbed the camera and said “everybody dies”.

Lio Rush, Action Andretti & Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin w/Leila Gray) defeated The Iron Savages (Bronson, Boulder & Jacked Jameson) & Turbo Floyd (w/Truth Magnum)


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Up

(I know the babyface team were victorious, but despite being on the heel team, Turbo Floyd was super over with the crowd and they went wild when he finally was able to tag in. Just a quick little match, but it reminded folks how great The Outrunners act is, even in defeat.)

Floyd kept getting robbed of tagging in during the early going, as The Savages continuously found themselves the victim of the speed game of Andretti, Rush & The Martins. Finally, Floyd made the tag, tried a bodyslam, but Jameson pulled him off and made another tag, only to suffer an airplane spin by Dante. Bronson tried to make the save, but was hit with an airplane spin as well. He tried it to Boulder, who didn’t budge, so all four men hit a suplex on the big man. Floyd was left alone and wanted to take everyone on and he was a house of fire. Rush ducked a charged, as Floyd collided with Bronson, as did Jameson. Low tope from Rush on Bronson, Andretti took out Floyd, leaving Dante to hit a huge Frog Splash on Jameson for the win.

-Lexy Nair is backstage with Queen Aminata & Serena Deeb, as Aminata says the advantage she has tonight is that she’s been in the ring with everyone involved in the main event. Deeb interrupted and said no one knows this game better, as she’s defeated all the ladies. She can’t stand Rosa, but thinks Aminata is one of the best up and comers on the roster, but she’s not ready. Deeb has a proposition, they work together. Aminata went to interrupt, but Deeb cut her off, saying to think about it.

Kyle Fletcher (w/Don Callis) defeated Tomohiro Ishii


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Down

Fletcher tried an early shoulder tackle and Callis on commentary said it’s like tackling a telephone pole. Both men had a wild forearm exchange, with neither backing down, so they changed to shoulder tackles, as Ishii mowed Fletcher down. Ishii was planted with a spinning bodyslam and hit with corner punches, as Callis said he wouldn’t do that, as Ishii’s head is shaped like a cinderblock. Ishii charged and turned Fletcher inside out, as both went to the apron, where Fletcher hit a thrust kick and violent brainbuster on the apron taking things to commercial.

Back from break, Ishii started absorbing forearms and turned Fletcher into a mannequin with a home run shot. Ishii really had to battle for, but got a Backdrop Driver for a near fall. Fletcher side stepped Ishii, sent him to the apron, hit a leg lariat and dive to the outside. Back inside, both men no sold snap Germans, as Fletcher countered a hurricanrana into a sit-out powerbomb for the double down. Fletcher hit a thrust kick, but Ishii no sold a lariat and flattened Fletcher with a headbutt before turning him inside out with a lariat. Fletcher rolled out of a brainbuster and lawn darted Ishii into the bottom turnbuckle. Fletcher attempted an Avalanche Tombston, but Ishii headbutted free and hit a leaping top rope hurricanrana, leaving Callis speechless. Sliding D connected, but Fletcher kicked out. Brainbuster attempt was countered into one by Fletcher for another near fall. Both traded switches and forearms until Fletcher hit a series of thrust kicks, lariat and spinning Tombstone for another close two. Fletcher hit a brutal piledriver and finally got the win.

-Video package for Queen Aminata is shown and her recent success in Ring of Honor.

Footage of Bryan Danielson winning the AEW World Title at All In is shown, along with his promo on Dynamite, saying it’s not time to go home yet. Jack Perry answering the challenge, saying his future is to win the AEW Title and retire Bryan Danielson. The match is official for All Out.

-Lexy Nair is backstage with PAC, who said don’t think he’s content, despite having his Wembley moment. He’s still full of piss and vinegar, but it’s a crock of crap for those who say good thing comes to those who wait. If it wasn’t for contractual obligation, he’d fight Will Ospreay tonight. Instead, he challenges Ospreay to a tag match on Dynamite, as he’ll get his partners, Ospreay can get his. Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy walk in with O’Reilly on the phone with Mark Briscoe, saying they’ll be Ospreay’s partners. PAC smacks the phone out of O’Reilly’s hands, stares down Cassidy saying it’s even better that he’s Ospreay’s partner.

Buddy Matthews defeated Komander (w/Alex Abrahantes)


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Down

(One hell of a sprint, as these two worked really well with each other. The post-match set up the tag next week on Collision, which we’re reminded is before Rampage next Friday night.)

Matthews tried to keep Komander grounded early, but was unsuccessful doing so, as Komander went to work on the arm. Wall walk from Komander, who sprung off the ropes into an arm drag, leapt off the top, but Matthews caught him. Matthews wanted a powerbomb, but Komander countered into a hurricanrana to the floor. Komander looked for a dive, but Matthews caught him in mid-air and hit a suplex on the outside to take things to commercial.

Back from break, Komander tried a tilt-a-whirl DDT on the apron, but Matthews countered into a brutal pump knee. Hung up between the ropes, Komander responded with a hurricanrana, completely spiking Matthews. The match reset, as both traded strikes until Komander fired off a thrust kick, enzugiri and poison rana combo. Matthews to the outside, as Komander successfully hit his dive and back inside, tried a moonsault, only to get caught. Komander countered into a Tornado DDT for a near fall. Tiger Feint Kick in the corner from Komander, who tried a springboard, but Matthews hit a pump knee in mid-air. The pumphandle into Death Valley Driver (the former Murphy’s Law) connected, giving Matthews the victory.

Brody King came to the ring to check on Matthews, but MxM Collection were shown on the big screen, congratulating Matthews on his win. The demonic dipsticks will be inducted into the House of Black and Blue and go out of style along with slap bracelets and frosted tips. Mansoor asked Madden to frost his tip, as they touched tips and told Matthews & King to get prepared to be House of Blacked. Next week is their week, fashion week and they’re laying down the gauntlet, Friday Night Fashion Fight, House of Black against MxM Collection. They lower out of camera shot as Matthews said it’s their funeral and accepts.

-A video package for Serena Deeb is shown ahead of tonight’s main event.

Video for Nyla Rose is shown, along with Mariah May winning the Women’s Title at All In. It will be May vs. Rose on Dynamite with the title on the line.

Hikaru Shida defeated Queen Aminata, Serena Deeb & Thunder Rosa to earn a TBS Title match at All Out


Thumbs Down

(This match had a lot going on, maybe too much towards the end. I really hope Rosa is ok following the scary Deeb-tox she took, as even Nigel McGuinness on commentary screamed when it happened. While the match itself had some good moments, it did feel like it fell apart at the finish. Regardless, Shida now earns her rematch against Mercedes Mone at All Out. For a moment, I thought they would go with a new challenger like Aminata, but the Shida/Mone match a few weeks ago was fun and I expect the rematch to be no different.)

Shida ran wild in the opening moments, stacking all three ladies in the corner for a charging knee. Rosa cut off corner punches on Aminata, as Deeb dispatched Shida, leaving Rosa & Deeb slugging it out. Northern Lights by Rosa was broke up by Aminata, who hit a snap suplex and German suplex to follow. Shida attacked from behind and went to the outside with Aminata, as Deeb locked in an Octopus Hold on Rosa, so Shida booted her square in the face to break it up. All four ladies attempted a double suplex, as Aminata & Deeb won the battle, with commentary going back to Deeb’s invitation to Aminata earlier in the evening to work together.

They both controlled Rosa & Shida during break until Deeb was pulled off the apron by Shida, while Aminata hit a release German on Rosa and snap suplex on Shida. Aminata hit hip attacks and running sliding boots to Rosa & Shida in the corner and got a two counter on Shida, so Deeb decided to attack. Clotheslines for all, as Deeb laid out Rosa with a neckbreaker through the ropes and dragon screw on Shida in the ropes. Deeb with a swinging neckbreaker on Aminata, but as she had a half crab on Shida, Rosa hit a running charge that left all four ladies down.

Rosa fought off Aminata, tried a dropkick through the ropes, but Deeb wasn’t in position and Rosa caught nothing but air. Rosa kicked Shida in the face before laying out Aminata with a backstabber. Running dropkick to the face of Shida & Aminata, as Deeb broke up the cover. Deeb got the Indian Death Lock on Rosa while hitting a snap suplex on Shida at the same time. Bounce back German and wrist clutch lariat from Deeb on Shida, as Rosa flew in, as did Aminata, leaving all four down once again. Deeb & Aminata got a double roll-up, but Rosa & Shida rolled through with charging knees. Rosa & Shida slugged it out until Rosa hit a hurricanrana out of the corner and DVD to follow. Deeb wanted Deeb-tox and stacked Rosa on her neck, which looked really scary. Deeb sank in a half crab, as Aminata started lighting her up with kicks to break it up. Shida got just enough of a missile dropkick, as she clocked Aminata with the Kitana to win the match.

Overall: Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Down


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