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AEW Forbidden Door 2024

Zero Hour

The WrestleAunts, Renee Paquette & RJ City, along with Jeff Jarrett & Rocky Romero welcome us to Zero Hour as they run down the tonight’s card. Amanda Huber & -1 joined them to talk about the Brodie Lee shoe being released by Reebok tomorrow as well.

Kyle Fletcher defeated Serpentico


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Up

Excalibur, Matt Menard & Nigel McGuinness on the call, as Fletcher wasted no time mowing down Serpentico out the gate, turning him inside out with a lariat. Serpentico fought off Fletcher ripping at the mask, but ate a leg lariat to the back of the head, followed by a violent reverse Tombstone. Fletcher opted for a stalling brainbuster in the corner and got the dominating win. Bounce back victory for Fletcher, who just lost his ROH TV Title to Atlantis Jr. in CMLL last night.

Kings of the Black Throne (Malakai Black & Brody King) defeated Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly, Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen), Roderick Strong & Gabe Kidd (w/The Kingdom & Gedo)


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Up

Excalibur talked about Buddy Matthews being taken out by Christian Cage a few weeks ago, thus explaining his absence. Technical start by Black & O’Reilly before Ishii & King have an intense face off, as Ishii couldn’t hit the brainbuster. The crowd got behind the hometown Private Party, as Zay & Quen ran wild with double teams before O’Reilly & Kidd broke things up to go at it with each other. O’Reilly went for a home run kick, but Strong yelled his name, enough to run distraction and Kidd to take over with violent chops. Kidd & King started barking at each other, as Strong tagged in and argued who would chop O’Reilly, who dove for the Ishii hot tag. Ishii no sold both men’s chops and ran through everyone before Taven & Bennett tried to get involved, only to suffer the same fate.

King made the tag and was almost hit with Dante’s Inferno, but O’Reilly made the save and hit a high low with O’Reilly on King before a brainbuster/head kick combo planted King. Fast sequence from O’Reilly & Zay, but Strong broke it up, only to lead to a double down off a Nigel lariat from O’Reilly. Quen was decked with a Black high kick, but Ishii ran in and flattened Black with a headbutt. Kidd connected on a brainbuster on Ishii, but King came in and wiped-out Kidd with a violent slap. With a pile of bodies on the floor, Private Party connected on a double dive. Back inside, King avoided Silly String and lawn darted Zay into an awaiting Black for The End kick. Black kept a lookout as King planted Zay with a Gonzo Bomb for the victory.

Willow Nightingale & Tam Nakano defeated Kris Statlander (w/Stokely Hathaway) & Momo Wantanabe

**1/2 Thumbs Up

Statlander & Nakano started off with the power vs. speed matchup, as it was Nakano’s speed winning in the early going. Nightingale made the tag and Statlander immediately bailed, as Wantanabe was flattened with a low cross body. Hard lariat from Nightingale, as Nakano came in and had a hard-hitting exchange with Wantanabe, who went to the eyes, only to eat a thrust kick. Hathaway ran distraction, allowing Statlander to blindside Nakano and keep her isolated. Finally able to fight free, Nightingale made the hot tag and was face to face with Statlander, a preview of this Wednesday at Beach Break. That was brief, as Statlander bailed once more, as Wantanabe was left to eat the offense from Nightingale, including a spinebuster for two. Nightingale became to preoccupied with Statlander, as Wantanabe hit a high kick and Statlander was there to pick up the pieces. Slugfest ensued, as Statlander missed a diving corner elbow and Nightingale hit a shotgun dropkick. Nakano went for a cross body, but missed, as Statlander wanted Chaos Theory, but Nakano countered into a German suplex for two. Statlander sent Nightingale & Nakano crashing into each other, as Wantanabe planted Nightingale for a near fall. Doomsday Device attempt was blocked by Nakano, who hit a Tiger Suplex on Statlander, as Nightingale hit an Avalanche Death Valley Driver for a close two. Wantanabe countered a Doctor Bomb into a great Storm Zero, but Nightingale fought back with a Pounce. Statlander was sent outside with a dropkick off the apron by Nightingale, as Nakano made the tag and hit the straightjacket German on Wantanabe for the win.

Mariah May (w/Timeless Toni Storm & Luther) defeated Saraya (w/Harley Cameron) in a Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Cup Quarterfinal


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Down

Fast start from May, who hit her spinning side suplex and shotgun dropkick for early near falls. May connected on the handstand head scissors and top rope missile dropkick, as she wanted Sweet Cheek Music, but Saraya slid to safety on the apron. Both ladies duked it out in the corner before Saraya pulled May into the post. Saraya called Storm a cow and McGuinness reminds us on commentary that there’s nothing bovine about the AEW Women’s Champion. Saraya poured on the offense back inside, as Hikaru Shida is shown watching from the back, as the winner of this will face her in the semi-finals. May fired off a headbutt that dropped both ladies into the reset.

Crowd supporting May during the slugfest, as Saraya crumbled to the corner and May hit Sweet Cheek Music. Saraya wiggled out of May Day, as Cameron jumped on the apron, but Storm pulled her to the floor. May became distracted long enough for Saraya to hit the Knight Cap, but May got a rope break. Saraya took too long to follow up and trash talked Storm, as May countered the Knight Light into a roll-up for the flash win. Post match, Storm celebrated with May on the ramp, but Mina Shirakawa came out to celebrate as well. May had to separate both ladies, as we cut to a hype video for the AEW Women’s Title match tonight.

Lucha Bros (Penta el Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix w/Alex Abrahantes) & Mistico defeated Hiromu Takahashi, Titan & Yota Tsuji


Thumbs In The Middle Up

NJPW, CMLL & AEW all represented here, as Titan & Fenix wasted no time chopping the hell out of each other at the bell, as a lighting fast opening sequence led to a twisting cross body from Fenix. Matrix from Titan, who spun into a Tornado DDT, but Fenix popped out onto his feet and we get a stalemate. Penta & Tsuji’s turn, as Tsuji wanted a monkey flip, but Penta punted him in the ribs. Handstand corner double stomp from Penta, who posed one time too many, allowing Tsuji to hit a back breaker into a curb stomp. Chop battle ensued, as Tsuji bailed to the floor to avoid Fear Factor, as Hiromu & Mistico tagged in and the crowd went wild. Hiromu went right for the mask, but a quick head scissors and springboard arm drag sent Hiromu to the floor. Tsuji & Titan cut off Mistico, who hit a dive onto Hiromu, as the Lucha Bros hit a double team on Tsuji & Titan in the ring. Senton from Mistico back inside on Hiromu was broke up, as Tsuji & Titan responded with double head scissors and dives onto Penta & Fenix.

Hiromu hit his sunset flip bomb to the floor on Mistico, who was isolated back inside. Mistico fought off everyone in his comeback and made the hot tag to Fenix, but it was Penta who ran wild with Sling Blades. Fenix hit the rope walk kick on Titan, but Hiromu was there to hit a DVD. Penta flew in with a Destroyer, as Tsuji met him with a Falcon Arrow. Mistico flew off the top with a cross body, as Titan ran in and took out Fenix with a crazy DDT, flapjack, thrust kick combo. Mistico was launched by Fenix over the top to the floor onto Tsuji & Titan, as Hiromu suffered a Fear Factor, only to roll to the floor. Titan was taken out by La Mistica and immediately tapped out in an action packed six man.

AEW Forbidden Door

Excalibur, Taz & Nigel McGuinness welcome us, as it’s time for the opening contest of the evening. The crowd went crazy for the hometown hero, MJF, who tried to get the fans to crowd surf him, but it didn’t go very far.

MJF defeated Hechicero


Thumbs Up

(For being such a styles clash, these two worked very well with one another. I thought Hechicero played the heel role great, as this was a lot shorter of a match than I thought it’d be. MJF could’ve done anything, he was going to be cheered by Long Island, as they were behind him from the moment his music hit.)

Hechicero quickly went for a rolling arm bar, but MJF escaped and offered a handshake to the chants of sportsmanship. Hechicero foolishly fell for it, as MJF booted him in the gut and Fargo Strutted away. Hechicero blocked another boot, but MJF backflipped out into an eye poke. Hechicero pulled referee Bryce in front of him and sent MJF out to the floor, but MJF was there to send Hechicero into multiple guard rails. MJF hit a charging boot, but back inside, wasted too much time and Hechicero wrenched at the arm. MJF wanted Heatseeker, but Hechicero swept the legs out into a spinning slingshot splash for two. The arm is what Hechicero zoned in on, as the spinning hammerlock slam got a near fall. A violent knee strike in the corner allowed a Fargo Strut from Hechicero, who flipped the crowd off after, allowing MJF to hit a back drop into the double down.

One armed comeback from MJF, who managed a snap piledriver, but sold the arm, allowing Hechicero to hit a springboard dropkick and rolling arm bar. MJF countered into Salt of the Earth, but Hechicero scrambled into a double arm trap submission, but MJF got the ropes. Both men with the same idea, as they collided on a double clothesline. Ten corner punches from MJF, who bit at the head, hit a Long Island Sunrise and brainbuster for the victory.

The Elite (Kazuchika Okada, Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi & The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens)


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Up

(Fun tag, as it was mostly focused on The Bucks & The Acclaimed until the closing sequence where Tanahashi & Okada got to reignite their rivalry. This was a good build to Caster & Bowens getting their tag title shot down the line. It doesn’t matter what Okada does, heel or not, he’s going to be cheered by the AEW crowd.)

Caster did an extended rap before they all scissored with Daddy Ace. Okada & Tanahashi had a stare down to start and the crowd went crazy, so of course, Okada tagged out to Nicholas. Cross body into some air guitar from Tanahashi, tagged in Bowens, who hit a quick roll-up into a snap arm drag. Tanahashi backed off Okada to the floor, allowing Scissor Me Timbers to connect onto both Bucks before The Acclaimed did some air guitar with their partner. Blind tag by Okada, who attacked Caster, as The Elite hit a triple attack in the corner before an Air Raid Crash on the knee from Okada, who danced with Nicholas, who put on Caster’s headphones. Nicholas locked on a Camel Clutch, as Matthew got a huge head of steam before kissing his brother on the cheek and doing some air guitar himself.

Some fans tried to start a CM Punk chant at The Bucks, but it was drowned out by He Got Fired chants. After being isolated, Caster finally broke free and tagged in Bowens, who ran wild. Fame-Asser to Nicholas, as Bowens popped Okada with a hard right hand. Matthew tried to mock a Stinger Splash, but failed miserably and ate a thrust kick by Bowens, who hit a spinning fireman’s carry slam for two. Series of reversals by both The Acclaimed & Bucks, resulting in a quadruple down, leaving Tanahashi & Okada to finally go at it in an AEW ring.

Tanahashi hit his somersault senton out of the corner, followed up by a Dragon Screw into the Texas Cloverleaf. Nichlolas broke it up with a high kick, but Caster flew in with a Sling Blade. Bowens countered a Rainmaker into the Arrival, as Caster hit a Mic Drop, but as Tanahashi went for High Fly Flow, The Bucks cut him off. The Acclaimed made the save, as Tanahashi still went for High Fly Flow, but Okada got the knees up. The Bucks pumped up their shoes, took out Bowens & Caster before delivering a Superkick Party onto Tanahashi. Dives onto The Acclaimed outside left Okada to hit a bodyslam, top rope elbow and Rainmaker pose fake out into flipping the crowd off. Tanahashi countered a Rainmaker into a small package for two, as he followed with Dragon Screws to both Bucks, but ran into an Okada dropkick. Rainmaker connected immediately after, as Okada got the pin. Post match, Okada wanted another Rainmaker, but Billy Gunn sprinted to the ring to make the save.

Bryan Danielson defeated Shingo Takagi in a Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Cup Quarterfinal


Thumbs Up

(Such a hard hitting, back and forth battle, as Danielson really sold the neck for the majority of this. The story of Danielson’s quest to the AEW Title will be whether his body can hold up, as commentary really put over how the next match for Danielson is this Wednesday and will he be able to recover enough in time. This was a fantastic match; one the crowd was into from the moment the bell rang. Takagi continues to be one of the best in the world, but it would’ve been upset of the year had he somehow beaten Danielson here.)

After a very evenly matched opening sequence, Danielson applied the Romero Special, but Takagi escaped. Both men traded shoulder blocks, as it was Takagi who stood tall and followed with a standing senton. McGuinness on commentary really laid into Danielson for not ever holding a title in AEW in three years. Danielson backflipped out of the corner and popped Takagi with a lariat before sending him to the floor. Danielson tried a dive, but Takagi caught him in the ropes and hit a swinging neckbreaker, spiking Danielson on his head. The doctor had to check on Danielson, as ref Aubrey seemingly didn’t care and just put a ten count on him. Danielson beat the count, but rolled into a suplex for two. Takagi kept Danielson grounded and taunted the crowd, but that brief hesitation allowed a Danielson high kick into the double down.

Hard chop and uppercut exchange, as Danielson landed on his feet out of a suplex and hit a low snap German, sending Takagi in the corner. Danielson was cut off going up top, as Takagi mocked Yes chants, but Danielson slid out and hit a back superplex. Danielson locked in a triangle sleeper with elbows, but Takagi powered out into a powerslam. Pumping Bomber in the corner led to a massive superplex from Takagi, who followed with a sliding lariat for two. Danielson avoided Made in Japan, but was turned inside out with a violent Pumping Bomber. Takagi followed up with Made in Japan, but Danielson just managed to kick out. Takagi signaled for the end, looking for Last of the Dragon, but Danielson collapsed, so Takagi fired off a charging forearm. Anvil elbows connected, but Danielson countered another sliding lariat into an attempted LeBell Lock, but Takagi rolled out.

Both men collided with headbutts, as Takagi was up first, wanted Last of the Dragon, but Danielson escaped into a Regal-plex. The crowd loudly behind Danielson, who hit the Busiaku Knee, only for Takagi to kick out. Danielson stomped down at the head before applying the triangle again, with more elbows. Takagi wanted to rise again, but more elbows had him collapse. Danielson violently wrenched back at the arm and Takagi verbally submitted.

Timeless Toni Storm (w/Luther & Mariah May) defeated Mina Shirakawa (w/Mariah May) to retain the AEW Women’s Title


Thumbs Down

Mariah May was in the ring before the entrances and presented both champion and challenger with flowers prior to the match. Storm’s entrance featured her dressed as the Statue of Liberty, holding a torch, as America the Beautiful played. The lights went out and she had her standard intro, as Nigel McGuinness said if anyone epitomizes chin up and tits out, it’s Lady Liberty. Taz questioned if McGuinness could even say that. May couldn’t decide on who to corner, so she stayed neutral.

Storm hit an early hip attack, but Shirakawa battled back, working the crowd and slamming Storm’s repeatedly to the mat by her knees. Shirakawa posted the leg and applied a Figure Four on the post. Shirakawa took too long to capitalize in the ring, as Storm hit a backstabber in the corner with her one good leg before sending Shirakawa to the floor with a hip attack. Storm tried another outside against the steps, but missed, crashing and burning. Luther tended to Storm, but Shirakawa flew off the top, wiping both out. Back inside, Shirakawa went back at the leg and hit a spinning electric chair before applying a Figure Four. Both women started slapping one another, as Storm made the ropes.

Forearm battle ensued, with Shirakawa connecting on a discus forearm before heading up top, only to be cut off. Shirakawa managed an Avalanche DDT off the top and lifting DDT to follow, but only got a two. Storm fought off the Glamorous Driver MINA into a slam, as Storm connected on Sweet Cheek Music, but Shirakawa kicked out. Shirakawa spun out of Storm Zero into the Glamours Collection MINA and elbow strike combo. Shirakawa hit the Glamorous Driver MINA, but Storm managed to kick out. Roundhouse kick collapsed Storm, as Shirakawa went for another Glamours Driver, but Storm escaped with multiple headbutts. Snap German connected, as Storm Zero spiked Shirakawa to give Storm the victory.

Post match, May checked on Storm, looking back at the downed Shirakawa. May walked over with Storm, who brought Shirakawa to her feet. Shirakawa wanted a handshake and Storm accepted. May suggested they hug and both ladies reluctantly did before May got them all to triple kiss, as Nigel McGuinness stood up at commentary, applauding, tears in his eyes.

Zack Sabre Jr. defeated Orange Cassidy


Thumbs Up

After the feeling out process, Cassidy took an extended walk around ringside, as Sabre held the ropes open, but Cassidy opted to roll under the ropes. Both men traded Japanese strangle holds before trading hip toss attempts before Cassidy flew in, picked the ankle and got a cazadora roll up for two. Sabre rolled out, trapped the head with his feet and twisted, as Cassidy went outside again. Back inside, Sabre wrapped up Cassidy like a pretzel, but a rope break put a stop to that. Uppercuts and little kicks mocked Cassidy before Sabre punted him in the chest. Sabre tried a charge, but Cassidy dropkicked out the leg and followed with a violent dragon screw. Sabre went to recover outside, but Cassidy hit a dive and repeated dragon screws before heading back inside. Sabre tried to shake out his knee, as Cassidy flew off the top with a cross body, but Sabre caught him mid air with a cravat. Cassidy quickly escaped into another dragon screw for the double down.

Cassidy tried his spinning DDT and Stundog Millionaire, but Sabre blocked both, only for Cassidy to fire off a Michinoku Driver for two. Again, Cassidy went up top and hit the diving DDT for a close near fall. Sabre dodged Orange Punch, as he stomped down and snapped at the wrist. Sabre again immobilized the upper body of Cassidy with submissions, but the foot of Cassidy got the rope break. Sabre slapped at Cassidy, daring him to fight back and he did just that, punching at the bad leg of Sabre, sinking in a Texas Cloverleaf. Sabre rolled out, wrenched at the bad wrist, but Cassidy spun into a Beach Break for two.

Crazy series of counters, as Cassidy tried an O’Connor Roll, Sabre with the Euro Clutch, but Cassidy did a Euro Clutch of his own, but with his hands in the pockets for a close two. Both trade uppercuts, as Cassidy tried a Mouse Trap, but Sabre countered into a submission that saw him tie up both legs and wrench both arms at the same time, causing Cassidy to verbally submit. Post match, Sabre presented a dejected Cassidy his sunglasses as what commentary assumed was a sign of respect.

Samoa Joe, HOOK & Katsuyori Shibata defeated Chris Jericho, Big Bill & Jeff Cobb (w/Bryan Keith)


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Down

(If there was any match on this card that probably could’ve been on Dynamite, it was this one. This was a perfectly fine Trios, but it just felt like a TV match. I was hoping for more Cobb & Joe interaction, but the main story here was HOOK getting the pin on Jericho. Whether or not this feud will continue, I’m not sure, but it’s been going on since I believe February, so it might be time for everyone to move on for a bit, especially if Jericho is going to continue to hold the FTW Title.)

Please Retire chants for Jericho, who said the crowd didn’t actually want that, as he’s from Long Island and a hometown hero. Shibata started things off by slugging it out with Bill, who leveled Shibata with a big boot and high vertical suplex. Jericho tagged in and Shibata immediately started no selling chops, so he could fire off some of his own. HOOK tagged in, as Jericho tried a cross body, but HOOK & Shibata did the Joe side step, as Jericho crashed and burned. Joe & Cobb tagged in and we get a hoss fight with Joe lighting up Cobb with corner shots, but Cobb answered with a spinebuster. Taz mentioned how in the early days of Team Taz, he wanted Cobb to be part of it, but plans fell through. Joe fought out of The Learning Tree corner and tagged in HOOK, who was ultimately the one who found himself isolated, including Keith getting in cheap shots.

Bill connected on a big-time elbow drop and Cobb followed with a standing moonsault. HOOK fought back with a desperation lariat into the double down, as Shibata made the tag and he ran wild with his corner boots. Corner offense by Joe, as Shibata hit his stalling corner dropkick, as Joe flew in with a senton. Bill wiped out Joe on the outside, but HOOK flew off the top with a double axe handle. Keith took ref Aubrey, allowing Jericho to hit a low blow and sink in the Walls of Jericho. Joe tried to make the save, but ran into a Bill choke slam. Shibata delivered a STO, but Cobb was there for Tour of the Islands. HOOK hit a T-Bone on Cobb, leaving Jericho there to hit a Code Breaker for a close two.

Jericho waved to the crowd, allowing HOOK to sink in REDRUM. Shibata choked out Bill, while Joe trapped Cobb in the Coquina Clutch. Jericho got out of the submission, but ran right into a Judas Effect by HOOK to get the pin. Taz applauded his son for getting the victory.

Jack Perry defeated Konosuke Takeshita, Mark Briscoe, Dante Martin, Lio Rush & El Phantasmo in a Ladder Match to win the TNT Title


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Down

(This was carnage, as it was big move after big move through ladders and tables throughout. There’s nothing more that can be said other than this was one wild match.)

It was a scramble out the gate between ELP, Briscoe, Martin & Rush to get ladders, but Perry & Takeshita quickly put a stop to that. Rush showed off his speed by wiping everyone out one at a time, leaving him alone in the ready to climb. ELP cut him off and hit a spinning reverse fireman’s carry through a ladder. Takeshita brought Martin in the middle of the ring and planted him with a brainbuster on the edge of the ladder. Briscoe came in and spun around full speed with a ladder on his head before chucking it at Rush. Briscoe set Takeshita up on a table against the barricade and ladder on top of that before delivering a crazy somersault senton through it from the inside out. Perry just looked at the carnage before heading inside to climb. Rush tried cutting him off, but was decked with a ladder by Perry for his troubles.

Perry set up a ladder bridge in the ring and started to climb, but ELP walked the bridge to cut off Perry. ELP gave a twisted at the nipples of Perry before shoving him to the mat, but as Martin came up to fight off ELP, Perry knocked them both to the mat and Martin grabbed the ankle in pain, the same ankle he shattered last year in the ladder match at ROH. Perry set up a table ringside, tried to powerbomb Rush through it, but Martin flew in with a dropkick through the ropes. Briscoe & Takeshita fought on the apron, as Briscoe set a ladder up on the apron, with Rush diving through it onto Takeshita.

Briscoe climbed the apron ladder and just made it to Perry, but the table didn’t break. Martin & Rush were left in the ring to climb and both men faced off at the top of the ladder before Takeshita powerbombed Martin off of it and gave a Last Ride on Rush through a ladder. Takeshita went to climb, but ELP flew in with a springboard onto the ladder, but Takeshita pulled him off into a knee lift. ELP fired off a thrust kick, but instead of climbing, wanted a CR2, but Takeshita countered into a Blue Thunder Driver through tables. Takeshita went to climb, but Briscoe cut him off with a Jay Driller onto a set up corner ladder. Briscoe started to climb, but Perry was there with a ladder shot to the ribs and face. Repeated chair shots to the back led to Perry climbing and getting the TNT Title.

Mercedes Mone defeated Stephanie Vaquer for the TBS & NJPW Strong Women’s Titles


Thumbs Up

(The crowd was a big story in this, as they seemed to be behind Mone when the match began, but turned on her and got behind Vaquer, who was fantastic in this one, mid match. Commentary told us it’s because Mone is from Boston and we did get F the Celtics and F the Red Sox chants, but it was really something to see them almost all collectively turn on Mone. Post-match was the highly anticipate return of the Doctor, Britt Baker, who seemingly is next in line for the TBS Champion. I hope they build that up to All In: London.)

Vaquer fired off a headbutt before the bell, as the match officially began and Mone answered with a springboard monkey flip. Both ladies trade pin attempts before colliding in the center of the ring. Mone with a double springboard arm drag, but took too long to follow up and Vaquer answered with one of her own. Mone tried one into a cross face, but Vaquer bailed and Mone met her with a baseball slide head scissors. Meteora back inside for Mone, but Vaquer again went outside, this time blocking a DDT, driving Mone back first into the edge of the ring. Sole Food and diving knee from Vaquer sent Mone outside, where Vaquer hit a top rope cross body.

Vaquer stayed in control back inside, until Mone tried the Three Amigos, only for Vaquer to respond by grounding Mone, driving her head first repeatedly into the mat, which popped the crowd. Mone battled back in the corner, but ultimately dropkicked Vaquer in mid-air. Double knees in the corner by Mone, who hit a multi revolution DDT for a near fall. Vaquer countered Mone Maker into a roll-up for two, as Taz pointed out how there were chants for Stephanie. Vaquer missed a legdrop, as Mone did a rolling backslide, but Vaquer tried a package piledriver, Mone spun out and both ladies collided with a double clothesline.

Both ladies kipped up at the same time, Mone was unsteady, though, as they slugged it out before a head scissors into a crossface by Vaquer. Mone escaped and locked in a crossface of her own, as the crowd is booing this. The crowd is loudly behind Vaquer, who dropped Mone into another double down. Mone delivered multiple backstabbers to the boos of the crowd, as Taz said it’s because she’s from Boston. Mone missed a Frog Splash, as Vaquer hit a violent dragon screw and corner knees. Mone again applied the crossface, but Vaquer escaped, only for Mone to finally hit the Mone Maker and again went to the crossface and got the tap out.

Post match, Mone was celebrating with both titles when the music for the returning for Dr. Britt Baker hit to a massive ovation, as she looks in tremendous shape as pyro rained down on the stage before Baker just walked to the back.

-A promo for January 2025 in the Tokyo Dome, as the January 4th will be Wrestle Kingdom, but January 5th will be Wrestle Dynasty where NJPW, AEW, CMLL & STARDOM talent will all face off.

Tetsuya Naito defeated Jon Moxley to win the IWGP World Title


Thumbs Up

(I can safely say I did not see that finish coming, as I thought this was all Moxley retaining, but alas, Naito got the clean pin. Taz mentioned immediately post-match, he thought Moxley had an actual pin, but Red Shoes only counted two. The finish seemed a little clunky, but for the most part, this was a fun title bout, a Naito paced slower match. I was hoping Moxley was going to have a longer title reign, but maybe he gets a rematch down the line.)

Jim Ross has joined commentary for the final two matches of the evening. Moxley came out to his Death Rider NJPW music, as Naito tried mind games early, spitting at Moxley before bailing outside. Moxley chucked two chairs in the ring, as Naito took a seat before Red Shoes quickly took both chairs out. Moxley ate a corner boot, but held on and hit a knee breaker before mocking the Naito taunt. Moxley repeatedly went at the leg ringside before back in the ring, Naito again spat in the face, which only pissed Moxley off even more. Stalling piledriver by Moxley for two, as he kept daring Naito to slap him, which Naito obliged, but again, just pissed Moxley off, as he raked at the back of Naito. Both trade headbutts while climbing in the corner, as Naito slid out and sent Moxley crashing outside. Naito speared into the ring attendant barricade, as back inside, Naito hit his stalling neckbreaker and stayed in control.

Naito wanted his signature corner hurricanrana, but Moxley countered into a powerbomb for a near fall. Naito fought back with stiff elbows and almost a Diamond Dust variation, as Moxley tried applying a rear naked choke, but Naito countered into Destino. Naito tried another, but this time Moxley turned it into a Paradigm Shift for the double down. Slugfest ensued before Naito hit an enzugiri to the face, but Moxley was there to turn him inside out with a lariat and Death Rider for the closest near fall of the match. Moxley stalked down Red Shoes, as Taz questioned if that was actually three. Moxley grabbed another chair, but Red Shoes again took it away before Moxley could hit a Death Rider through it. Naito seemingly countered Death Rider into a Destino, followed up with a brainbuster and proper Destino for the victory and title.

Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) defeated AEW International Champion Will Ospreay to retain the AEW World Title


Thumbs Up

(An absolute classic of a main event with Strickland having to use everything in his arsenal to put Ospreay away. You could say the killer instinct that Strickland questioned Ospreay not having is what ultimately did Ospreay in, as Ospreay refused to use the weapon given by Don Callis, so that story has a lot left to be told there. These two need to have a rematch again down the line, as this was one of the best main events in AEW in quite some time.)

A Hayabusa tribute entrance video and gear from Ospreay, who dedicated this match to his grandmother, who recently passed away.  Rapper Jim Jones introduced Strickland to the ring and did the Nana dance along with Prince Nana down the ramp. The crowd went wild for both men during their entrance, as both traded quick snap head scissors, with the other flipping out to their feet, leading to a stalemate, showing just how fast paced this thing can get. Strickland went for his corner diving uppercut, but Ospreay kipped right up and stared him down. Strickland sent outside with a big boot and Ospreay was right there exploding with a slingshot cross body. Ospreay with the Drive By boot on the apron before going back inside, up the ropes, but Strickland swept the feet out and hit his diving uppercut.

Strickland wore down Ospreay, bringing him ringside and onto the guard rail, where both men stood and Ospreay exploded up with a hurricanrana. Back inside, Pip, Pip, Cheerio hit, as just like that, Ospreay is back in control. Ospreay hit a stun-gun, but Strickland blocked a big boot into a backbreaker. A beautiful hip toss into a short arm scissor from Strickland, but Ospreay made the ropes. Cocky kicks from Strickland only woke up Ospreay, who no sold and both men traded forearms. Both went for home run shots, missing Hidden Blade and House Call, but it was Ospreay who connected with a Styles Clash for two. As Ospreay went for Oscutter, Strickland sprung from the ropes to hit a Swerve Stomp in mid-air, as cameras cut to Daniel Garcia watching from box seats.

Both fought up the ropes and Strickland hit an Avalanche Angle Slam for a close two, as Ospreay rolled to the apron. Ospreay floated over a brainbuster, hit the hook kick, tried an Oscutter, but Strickland bailed and Ospreay crashed and burned. Ospreay was left set up perfectly for a Swerve Stomp, but Ospreay rolled to the floor. Strickland didn’t care, as he leapt from the top rope onto Ospreay against the commentary table, which didn’t break, in a wild moment.

Strickland pondered ending it, but opted to go back to ringside and hit a piledriver on top of the guard rail. Back inside, Strickland hit a sit out reverse DDT, but Ospreay kicked out. Strickland took too long for a Swerve Stomp attempt, as Ospreay crotched him and hit a springboard Avalanche Oscutter, followed by a proper Oscutter for two. Ospreay signaled for Hidden Blade, but Strickland got the forearms up. Multiple hook kicks from Ospreay, who missed another Oscutter, this time with Strickland wanting to snap the arm, but Ospreay pulled him into a pin attempt for two. Another proper Oscutter connected, as Ospreay hit Storm Breaker, but Strickland managed a shoulder up as the crowd went wild before the camera showed MJF watching backstage.

Ospreay wanted either another Storm Breaker or Tiger Driver, but Strickland powered out, only for Ospreay to hit a straight headbutt. Ospreay signaled for the Tiger Driver, but Strickland spun out into a violent Hidden Blade of his own. Swerve Stomp missed, but Ospreay charged, Strckland ducked and Paul Turner ate the Hidden Blade. Both men traded Poison Ranas with Ospreay trying a pin, but there was no official. Don Callis appeared and gave Ospreay a screwdriver, as Callis begged him to take it before Nana shoved Callis down. Ospreay teased using the weapon on Nana, but opted to throw it away. Ospreay slid back in the ring and ate a brutal House Call before Strickland hit the Swerve Stomp right as ref Aubrey slid in for two. Strickland snapped the arm, hit another House Call, but again Ospreay somehow kicked out.

Ospreay stumbled to his feet, tried to throw a Hidden Blade, but nothing was behind it, as Strickland just hugged and pat Ospreay on the back before letting him crumble. One last House Call connected before Big Pressure folded Ospreay up and Strickland finally got the pin. This was one of the best matches of the year, no doubt about it. Post match, Strickland showed respect to a dejected Ospreay, who was consoled by Kyle Fletcher as Strickland celebrated to end the show.

Overall: Thumbs Up


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