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AEW Rampage 9/13/2024

Taped in Lexington, Kentucky. 

Tony Schiavone, Excalibur and Matt Menard were on commentary. 

Today is Friday the 13th. Are they bringing Abadon out of the mothballs for this one? 

The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe & Kyle O’Reilly) defeated The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds & John Silver) (10:07)


Thumbs Up

Okay, I guess The Dark Order on Friday the 13th works. 

The 3rd promotion this week to open with their main event.

The Conglomeration came out in new matching tees which I’m sure are available on the ShowAEW website. Orange Cassidy was triple-teamed by the Dark Order, but got a near fall on Silver for two. Lots of comedy in the opening minutes, with Silver missing chops on Cassidy and O’Reilly and hitting his teammates instead. Briscoe and Uno had an awkward exchange, then Briscoe floored Reynolds with a clothesline going into a split screen break.

O’Reilly got the hot tag after the split-screen break and destroyed Reynolds with kicks. Cassidy joined in and helped ouble team Reynolds. Silver prevented an Orange Punch. Uno hit O’Reily with a boot and a DDT. Silver and Reynolds hit their combo series for a near fall on Cassidy. Cassidy escaped a pendulum bomb attempt from the Dark Order, and took down Uno and SIlver with a hurricanrana. 

Brisco hit a plancha on Silver, then used a chair to hit a springboard plancha on Reynolds and Uno on the other side of the ring. Back in the ring, Cassidy Reynolds with an Orange Punch, and Briscoe hit the Jay Driller for the pinfall. Inoffensive but uninspired.

In the back, Lexi Nair conducted an interview with The Undisputed Era and ROH Tag Team Champions Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara. Matt Taven challenged the champs to a fight without honor, but Dustin upped the ante and made it a Bunkhouse Match for next Saturday on Collision.

Kamille defeated Robyn Renegade (3:16)


Thumbs Up

This was a total squash. Kamille dumped Renegade with a fisherman’s suplex out of a bearhug. Renegade got a one count after a top rope bodyblock. Kamille came back with a vertical powerslam, then hit a dominator (which she has renamed “The Truth”)  for the pinfall.

Christopher Daniels (in a snazzy tie) accepted Jack Perry’s open challenge for the TNT title at tomorrow night’s Collision. 

Roderick Strong defeated Beef (6:53)


Thumbs Down (Went 293 seconds too long)

Beef is a big, sweaty guy, who is the second cousin (by marriage) of Anthony Henry. The crowd chanted “Beef!” whenever Beef hit a forearm. Beef hit Strong with a dropkick heading into the commercial break. 

After a long commercial break, we return to Beef pummeling Strong and the crowd firmly behind Beef. Beef hit a bulldog for two. Beef went to the top, but Strong caught him with a kick and perplexed him off the top for a near fall. Huge pop for Beef kicking out. Beef caught Strong with an avalanche, then went to the floor to save Henry from a beating from Taven and Bennett. Beef got back in the ring and ran right into a knee from Strong, and Strong got the pinfall.  

The Righteous, Vincent and Dutch, cut a promo. They’re looking for the House of Black. 

Saraya & Harley Cameron defeated Marti Belle & Allysin Kay (3:36)


Thumbs Down

Saraya and Cameron worked over the less-experienced Belle. The fight went to the floor, where Saraya whipped Belle into the ring barricades. Belle finally got the tag to Kay, who mounted a brief comeback. Cameron caught Kay with the Soul Food and a flying knee, but Saraya had gotten the blind tag so Cameron couldn’t get the pinfall. Saraya then hit the Nightcap on Kay for the pinfall. 

After the match, Jamie Hayer ran in (fresh from the 70s, based on her outfit) and floored Cameron with a forearm. Saraya ran out through the crowd.

Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis)  defeated Action Andretti (w/ Leila Gray and Lio Rush) (11:52) 


Thumbs Up

Top Flight and Lio Rush came out with Andretti, and it looks like they’ve dumped that goofy airline pilot’s gear. 

Andretti started out strong against Takeshita, but the fight went to the floor and Takeshita whipped him into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Takeshita hit a top rope superplex for a near fall. 

Takeshita dominated through the split-screen break. Andretti hit a handspring back elbow for a near fall. Andretti hit a rolling senton on Takeshita, who was lying on the floor. Andretti hit a tope con hilo, then tossed Takeshita in the ring for a springboard 450 that missed. Takeshita hit a German suplex and a lariat for a near fall. 

Andretti countered a powerbomb with a rana for a near fall. Takeshita and Andretti stayed one step ahead of each other in a neat exchange that finally ended with Andretti missing a standing shooting star press. Andretti hit a shotgun dropkick out of the corner that Takeshita completely no sold. Takeshita hit a blue thunder bomb for a near fall. (Really, that should have been the finish –or lead directly to the finish– after the convincing no-sell from Takeshita). Andretti came back with a top rope rana. Andretti did a springboard right into a forearm from Takeshita. Running knee and a spinning falcon arrow finished off Andretti and Takeshita got the pinfall. (The spinning falcon arrow may be called the “Raging Fire,” that’s what Excalibur said when Takeshita hit the move, but he might have just been metaphorical) 

Wait? It's over?

Overall: Thumbs Down


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