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WWE Main Event 6/26/2024

This week’s WWE Main Event was taped at the Gainbridge Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana before Monday’s episode of Raw.

Akira Tozawa defeated Joaquin Wilde (5:25)


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Down

This was a high energy sprint that was a lot of fun to watch and marked Wilde’s Main Event debut.

Tozawa is both a safe pair of hands and also the ideal opponent for someone trying to make a mark. He was giving here and allowed Wilde plenty of time to dominate and show off his skill.

Wilde was able to get in snap suplexes, head scissors takes downs and even a suicide dive. As always, Tozawa sold really well and this meant that as he was in peril, the crowd rallied behind him.

I’m never a fan of the rest hold in these short matches, but it served its purpose here as Tozawa was able to come from behind and fight his way out. They did a false finish as Wilde got in a DDT, but once Tozawa kicked out he hulked up, tore the shirt and they went home.

Tozawa nailed Wilde with an enzuigiri and then went up top and hit his senton to get his arm raised.

The Authors of Pain w/Paul Ellering defeated The Creed Brothers (6:13)


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Up

While The Creed Brothers are a huge highlight every week on this show, it felt like a backward step to beat them here and, equally, to humble them against such stiff opposition at this stage in their run wasn’t ideal.

In the first few minutes, it was all quick tags as Julius and Brutus took early control, eventually dumping Rezar and then Akam. Julius dived over the top rope with a cross body, much to the crowd’s joy and we went to a very early break.

It was then all about the hot tag after the ads. Julius was in trouble for a long time here as they cut the ring in half and wore him down with a series of power moves and basic, slow ground and pound.

Akam eventually got too cocky, missing a charge to the corner so that Julius could use an enzuigiri before finally giving the hot tag to his brother. Brutus ran wild, finishing with a standing moonsault on Akam but Rezar had to come in and break up the pin and make the save.

Rezar quickly nailed Julius off the apron and after hitting Brutus with a Rock Bottom, he and Akam combined to use the Last Chapter to get the win.

The Authors of Pain angrily refused to let the ref raise their hands and insisted on Paul Ellering doing it for them instead. They mounted the ropes at either corner in front of the hard cam and Ellering stood between them in a perfectly shot, dominant pose to finish the match.

Overall: Thumbs Down


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